
江杨,19915月出生,中共党员,山东泰安人,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,生物化学与分子生物学博士后。担任Journal of Future Foods杂志青年编委。



2020.10-至今  山东农业大学食品科学与工程学院,副教授

2017.9-2020.6  山东农业大学食品科学与工程学院,工学博士

2014.9-2017.6  山东农业大学食品科学与工程学院,工学硕士

2010.9-2014.6  山东农业大学食品科学与工程学院,工学学士


国家自然科学基金青年项目,No. 32202052,主持;

中国博士后科学基金面上项目,No. 2023M732116,主持;

山东省自然科学基金青年项目,No. ZR2021QC194,主持;

山东省博士后自然科学基金项目,No. SDCX-ZG-202203056主持;


山东省重点研发项目(重大科技创新工程),No. 2021TZXD007-04-5,主持。


以第一或通讯作者在Critical Reviews in Food Science and NutritionFree Radical Biology and MedicineFood ChemistryFood HydrocolloidsCarbohydrate Polymers等期刊发表SCI论文22篇,累计影响因子161.4,其中一区Top期刊论文12以下为代表性论文

1. Jiang, Y., Sun-Waterhouse, D., Chen, Y., Li, F., & Li, D. Epigenetic mechanisms underlying the benefits of flavonoids in cardiovascular health and diseases: are long non-coding RNAs rising stars? Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2021, 1-19.(中科院1区,IF:11.208TOP期刊)

2. Chen, H., Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Jiang, Y*., Li, D*. Pectin extracted from dragon fruit Peel: An exploration as a natural emulsifier. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2022, 221, 976-985.(中科院2区,IF:8.025

3. Li. W., Huang. D., Song. W., Ouyang. F., Li. W., …Jiang, Y*., Li, D*., Huang, Q. Pickering emulsions stabilized by zein-proanthocyanidins-pectin ternary composites (ZPAAPs): Construction and delivery studies. Food Chemistry. 2023, 404, 134642.(中科院1区,IF:9.231TOP期刊)

4. Huang, D., Li. W…Jiang, Y*., Li, D*. Effect of high-intensity ultrasound on the physicochemical properties of Tenebrio Molitor Protein. Food Hydrocolloids. 2023, 134, 108056.(中科院1区,IF:11.504TOP期刊)

5. Liu, H., Guan, H., Tan, X., Jiang, Y., Li, F., Sun-Waterhouse, D., & Li, D. Enhanced alleviation of insulin resistance via the IRS-1/Akt/FOXO1 pathway by combining quercetin and EGCG and involving miR-27a-3p and miR-96–5p. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2022, 181, 105-117.(中科院2区,IF:8.101TOP期刊)

6. Jiang, Y., Zhang, C., Yuan, J., Wu, Y., Li, F., I. N. Waterhouse, G., Li, D*., and Huang, Q. Exploiting the Robust Network Structure of Zein/low-acyl Gellan Gum Nanocomplexes to Create Pickering Emulsion Gels with Favorable Properties. Food Chemistry. 2021, 349, 129112.(中科院1区,IF: 9.231TOP期刊)

7. Jiang, Y., Xu, Y., Li, F., Li, D*., and Huang, Q. Pectin extracted from persimmon peel: A physicochemical characterization and emulsifying properties evaluation. Food Hydrocolloids. 2020, 101, 105561.(中科院1区,IF: 11.504TOP期刊)

8. Jiang, Y., Zhang, C., Yuan, J., Wu, Y., Li, F., Li, D*., and Huang, Q. Effects of pectin polydispersity on zein/pectin composite nanoparticles (ZAPs) as high internal-phase Pickering emulsion stabilizers. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2019, 219, 77-86.(中科院1区,IF: 10.723TOP期刊)

9. Jiang, Y., Du, J*., Zhang, L., and Li, W. Properties of pectin extracted from fermented and steeped hawthorn wine pomace: A comparison. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2018, 197, 174-182.(中科院1区,IF: 10.723TOP期刊)


